Somewhere in your inbox, spam or junk folder is this lengthy phishing email.
I’m sure it’s caught your attention (after all, that’s what it’s designed to do).
You have been caught on camera doing something naughty… now send “us” 1000 bitcoin…(since bitcoin has gone down in value they need to make a living somehow right? 1000 should suffice).
He/she/they will make the compromising pictures or video available to everyone and embarrass you to high heavens…
Did you see that black mirror episode?
At what point does life imitate art? Or is it that art is imitating life?
As each second passes, I’m sure we are all starting to question this more and more. That is another topic for another day.
Emails like this are obviously flawed and read like spam, but believe it or not, there are people who fall for it every day.
Sharpen your #phishing email skills. What are the tall tale signs you can spot in this email?
Leave your comment below.